Sometimes finding the right software for a private swinger's club registration and check-in system is a daunting task if you are the owner of a swingers party. Most of the parties are held at a local hotels. I handle all of the membership registrations and check-in for the parties we attend once a month. Lots of clubs use MS Excel for check-in, that can take forever especially if you have over a 100 couples to get checked-in; and forget about emailing your members, that can be a nightmare also.
How difficult could it be to find a system that is perfect for all swingers parties especially the "Hotel Parties". Most states in order to be considered a private club, you have to have your members fill out a membership form, and then they get a membership number. Same goes for a Swingers Lifestyle Hotel Party. A system like this has to be built with a lifestyle club owner in mind, this system needs to be very easy to use, it should only take just about a minute to check-in a couple in for the party, maybe this system could use bar code scanners for membership cards. It could be completely automatic as far as your memberships go, all you would have to do before a party is "Process your Confirmed Membership Applications" which is done right on the Check-in system itself, then you are ready to start your check-in procedure.
We all know that swingers want and crave privacy right? Right. This is another reason why a system like this should be available. Your members are only known at a party by their first names, and even though you have all their personal information, they have the satisfaction of knowing that when they check-in at a party, they are only being recognized by their first names.
We should all keep this in mind, none of our members want their personal information stored on a local PC or Laptop, it should be on a Secure Server at an off site location. You access everything from the Internet with a registration and check-in process.
I would like to take a moment and tell you that we have the answer to the registration and check-in process for the lifestyle hotel parties. We are making it easier for other club owners to better manage their members more effectively and efficiently, you can view some screen shots of the system and learn more about this new registration and check-in system for your Swingers Party, swingers club.